Monday, August 23, 2010

Life So Far

well.. im doing fine here.. surviving should be the word..
just scrapped through my exams, and even more tests are coming soon..
promos are in 6 weeks time..
asean dance in 2 weeks time..
trainings are still as exhausting and energy sapping..
and life is well... tiring i guess..
i miss the days, earlier in the year, where i could just sit back and relax, surfing the net, doing my own work, chatting, playing
although im stilled hooked onto facebook now and im still connected to the internet everytime i get back to the hostel, however my time spent on the computer is much lesser now..
i dont blog much, i dont update my status much, hell i dont even chat with ppl on WindowsLive..
life with love grows better every second..
however time is a problem as i have alot of commitments.. i feel really sorry sometimes.. :(
i really hope everything turns out fine..
i hope AseanDance would be a success..
i hope i would do well in my Promos:) everyone else too ^^
i hope i would do better in soccer too.. the A Div!!
i hope i would be a better man ( not boy d :)), better son, better friend and of course, a better Boyf. :)

PS: i dont know why but i like Christian songs. they're catchy and nice <3

1 comment:

Mizumiyee said...

bz life..take good care to urself..=)